The L&DUGC offers lifetime Associate Membership to all adult male members of Affiliated Clubs. Please complete the form below and pay your fee electronically to the Union's bank account: LDUGC
Sort code: 05-06-56 Account No: 31184175 Reference: 'Associate’, your name
and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Privacy Policy
When you join the L&DUGC we collect only the information required from you to be able to fulfil our contractual obligations which includes being able to contact you to send you Notices, AGM notices, Newsletters and your tee time.
Your personal data is controlled internally by the L&DUGC’s Data Protection Officer who adheres to the L&DUGC’s internal data protection policies and procedures. Your information enables us to correspond with you regarding our activities including events and competitions by way of post, telephone, email, SMS and push notifications.
We do not share your data with external marketing companies who would contact you in this way. If you have consented to this correspondence you can opt out at any time. We keep our privacy policy under review and will place any updates on our website. This privacy policy was last updated on 1st May 2018 and a full copy is available on the Website.
How to contact us.
If you need any further informationpleaseemail us on: or
write to the Honorary Secretary, L&DUGC, 2 Birch Grove, Woodland Road, Batley WF17 0RQ