1. Each club shall be represented by one team of THREE players. One player will be designated as the team captain.
2. The WHS handicap index limit for the Competition is 36.0.
3. Both Captains will exchange Team Lists in strict handicap order and the matches shall be played in that order. The Captain of the Home
Team will supply scorecards and local rules.
4. Each round should be completed as soon as possible. Any unreasonable delay, as determined by the LDUGC League Secretary, could result in both teams being eliminated.
5. The HOME team is the first team of each pair in the draw and is responsible for arranging the fixture within 7 days from the start of the
round. If a mutual date for the fixture cannot be agreed, then the fixture will take place on the final day of the draw at the HOME team's Club at 16:30 hours. if only ONE team turns up ready to play at 16:30, then the fixture will be awarded to that team.
6. The Semi-final and final will be played on a neutral course determined by the LDUGC Executive.
7. A player may represent one club only in any one season.
8. All fixtures are to be played over 18 holes. TWO points awarded for a WIN & ONE point for a HALF. In the event of a tie, with three games completed, then the LAST game to halve shall continue to play to obtain a result by “sudden death” commencing at Hole No.1, strokes being taken according to the Stroke Index.
9. All disputes shall be referred to the LDUGC League Secretary by telephone within 24 hours of the date of the fixture. This must be followed by a letter to the Honorary Secretary of the Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs within 7 days of the date of the fixture. The decision of the Executive Committee regarding all disputes shall be final.
10. It is the responsibility of the HOME CLUB to immediately notify the result of a fixture (names, handicaps, scores) to Mr. John Hallasby e-mail to: leaguesecretary@ldugc.co.uk
11. Click here for Additional Regulations for Juniors