
Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs


Thursday 7th July 2022, Tee - White, Garforth Course

The contact for this competition is John Knott (07954169309)

08:00Andy Wiltshire (-0.7) Pontefract & DistrictGordon Owen (-0.3) Waterton ParkTony Banks (4.8) Leeds
08:10Daz Walton (-0.1) Pontefract & DistrictNigel Yarrow (2.2) Low LaithesPatrick Timlin (-1.2) Low Laithes
08:20Paul Birkett (0.4) BarnsleyDavid Hirst (1.8) Pontefract & DistrictSteven Carlisle (2.8) Garforth Golf Club
08:30John Shaw (2.8) Horsforth Golf Clubneil harvey (1.7) Cookridge Hall Golf Club 
08:40Darryl Johnson (7.7) Sand MoorRichard D Fisher (6.6) Garforth Golf ClubDavid Oxley (3.2) Waterton Park
08:50Mick Rollinson (7.4) Low LaithesRichard Whiteley (6.0) Pontefract & DistrictDesmond Lawson (4.7) Darrington
09:00 Jason Brooke (3.8) Low LaithesMark Wood (7.1) Garforth Golf Club
09:10Robert Manley (7.2) Sand MoorJason Shaw (3.6) Pontefract & DistrictGary Proctor (5.4) Cookridge Hall Golf Club
09:20Bob Martin (6.3) HeadingleyAndrew O'Flaherty Snr (7.1) Cookridge Hall Golf ClubDean Mountain (5.6) Darrington
09:30Neil Glover (8.9) Leeds Golf CentreCarl James (6.0) Horsforth Golf ClubMichael Bowden (6.6) Cookridge Hall Golf Club
09:40Richard Hirst (9.4) Low LaithesSimon Wardley (7.9) HeadingleyBryan Sewell (8.5) Wakefield
09:50Paul Fullerton (10.7) MoortownPhil Smith (9.4) Pontefract & DistrictMark Fisher (14.2) Ferrybridge Golf Club
10:00 Antony Sitek (11.5) WetherbyMick Scholes (9.3) Sand Moor
10:10Kirk James (9.2) WakefieldKevin Fretwell (8.4) Garforth Golf ClubMichael Caines (10.7) Low Laithes
10:20Mike Dobson (7.8) Garforth Golf ClubIan Benson (12.1) Garforth Golf ClubHugh Barrett (7.0) Headingley
10:30James P Robinson (9.6) Woolley ParkKevin Hand (12.1) Low LaithesJohn MA Barrett (10.4) Moortown
10:40Graham Brooks (9.2) Low LaithesBrian Fisher (14.8) Pontefract & DistrictAndy Nichols (10.9) Cookridge Hall Golf Club
10:50John Orrell (13.3) Temple NewsamNigel Wood (13.2) Low LaithesBarry Hewitt (15.1) Wakefield
11:00Graham Robinson (13.8) Garforth Golf ClubJohn Hetherington (11.3) Pontefract & DistrictIan Lindsay (16.1) Low Laithes
11:10Andrew Caines (14.2) Leeds Golf CentreMartin Mallison (15.6) DarringtonJames Gregory Harrison (19.0) Cookridge Hall Golf Club
11:20Michael Belcher (11.6) DarringtonPaul Wroblewski (9.0) Leeds Golf CentreMalcolm McDermott (13.4) Pontefract & District
11:30Grzegorz Michnik (14.8) Cookridge Hall Golf ClubRichard Bradbury (11.4) WakefieldAdrian Houseman (16.4) Low Laithes
11:40John Holt (15.8) Low LaithesDavid Swift (15.9) Temple NewsamGraham Parkin (16.1) Scarcroft
11:50A A Earnshaw (12.7) Wakefield (City of)Gary Webster (16.6) Low LaithesMichael Osborn (15.3) Low Laithes
12:00Thomas Kay (23.1) Woolley ParkNorman J. Coward (12.0) Ferrybridge Golf ClubPaul Houlker (15.5) Temple Newsam
12:10Stephen Mardon (21.4) MoortownMichael Walker (19.3) Pontefract & DistrictAdam Campbell Forsyth (23.9) Normanton
12:20Mike Wilkes (12.6) Low LaithesTony Cole (9.1) Low Laithes 


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