
Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs


1. Clubs entering shall be divided into Divisions and will form the League.

2. At the end of the season promotion and relegation will be two teams from each Division when possible.

3. In the case of ties for the Championship, promotion or relegation then these positions will be decided by:

a. the number of game wins

b. the number of away game wins

c. least game losses

d. least away game losses and most away game points

e. the number of fixtures (being total matches played) won.

4. A Club team shall consist of THREE players. A player may represent only one Club in any one League in any one season. 

5. Each Club shall play a home and and an away match as laid down in the fixture list.

Scratch League

All matches to be played from scratch over 18 holes in accordance with the R&A Rules of Golf for Match Play.

To decide the order of play the Captain of the Home Team will present his team list to the Visiting Captain who will arrange the matches.

Nett League

All matches to be played over 18 holes in accordance with the R&A Rues of Golf for Match Play. Both Captains will exchange team lists in strict Handicap Index order and the matches shall be played in that order. The lowest Course Handicap to give shots to be taken in accordance with the Stroke Index of the course being played. Maximum Handicap Index 12.4. Full handicap allowance.


2 points for a game win and 1 point for a halved game making a total of 6 points for each fixture.

6. Fixtures shall take place on MONDAY evenings as set out in the fixture list commecing at 17:30 hours or at a time mutually agreed by the two captains or their representatives. If it is not possible for the home club to host the the match on the day, then the Team Captain of the home club MUST obtain written permission from the League Secretary at least 7 days prior to the date of the fixture for a change of date.

7. Only the Team Captains can decide whether or not a match should be postponed or suspended (after start of play in accordance with the R&A Rules of Golf) and in the case of postponement the decision must be made on the first tee at 17:30 hours or later, on the day of the match.

A match postponed should be played within 7 days where possible. In the event of this not being possible, the League Secretary should be notified within 7 days of the original fixture. In exceptional circumstances a date should be proposed and mutually agreed with the League Secretary as to when the match will be played.

In the event of teams failing to play or rearrange a match postponed within the stipulated period both teams shall be awarded zero points.

8. When a match has started and has to be suspended (in accordance with the R&A Rules of Golf) and cannot be completed on the same day any game completed shall be awarded the appropriate points. Any unfinished games shall be considered halved. Matches shall not be rearranged.

9. Disputes must be communicated to the League Secretary no later than 17:00 hours on the day following the match.

This must be followed up by an email to the Honorary Secretary  within 7 days of the date of the match. The decision of the Executive Committee regarding all disputes is final.

10. The Home Club must immediately notify the result of a fixture to Mr John Hallas by email to but before 17:00 hours on the day after the match is played. The names and scores for each of the 3 games must be on Result sheet sent by email.

Failure to comply may result in the deduction of one point from the Home Team.

11. If a team fails to turn up for a match they will be given written notice that if they re-offend the Club will be immediately eliminated from the league.

All results involving that team will be expunged.

The Club will be required to make application to rejoin the League in the following season prior to the 1st September for Executive approval and, if accepted, the Club will resume in the lowest Division

Amended 23 January 2025

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.